Blog Post

What to Talk About When Contacting Real Estate Agents

  • By Dotcom Design
  • 19 Mar, 2020
kitchen for real estate agent to aid in home sale

It's time for you to sell your home, but you aren't sure exactly what you should say to the real estate agents in Iowa City, Iowa who are helping you out. It seemed so simple to you, at first, but the ideas behind selling and buying can be more complicated than they appear on the surface. As a result, it is essential to reach out to experts who fully understand you and to talk to them in ways that make sense. The following tips are what we at Kathy Fobian give to all of our potential clients.

Know the Deal You Want

The most frustrating thing for real estate agents is working with somebody who doesn't know what kind of deal they want. Often, these individuals look to the agent almost like a parent or somebody who can decide for them. But that's not what realtors should be doing. They don't set the deal for you – you have to do that for yourself. And you have to take this process seriously and know what you want.

As a result, it is essential to sit down and think about how much money you want to make on a home. You want to make back at least as much money as you put into the house. But can you make back more money? That's something you need to discuss with your agent. If it is possible to profit, they will let you know and will advise on how to achieve that profitability.

Just as importantly, they will help you understand if getting the deal that you want is, more or less, impossible to achieve. They will tell you this out of kindness, not cruelty – remember, they want to sell the home about as much as you do because it will help them make the most money. So take their advice and listen to what they have to say. Though it may be hard, it is essential to do.

Discuss What You're Willing to Do

Now that you have discussed the kind of deal that you want with your realtor, you need to make sure that they understand how willing you are to go to sell your home. There are many steps that you need to take, and they need to know how many you can take alone.

For example, your agent can talk to you about what kind of steps you need to take to sell your home. If you are uncomfortable with any of them or uncertain of how to perform them, they will work with you to ensure that they get done. Often, real estate agents can take on the steps that you don't want to do to make sure that your home is more comfortable to sell and more attractive to more people.

Just as importantly, these experts can work with you to ensure that you do the things that only you can do for your sale. For example, only you can ultimately sign the paperwork finalizing the deal. And only you can work out different financing situations that may develop unexpectedly. You have to be willing to work with your real estate agents to get the kind of deal that is useful for your needs.

Learn More About Marketing Methods

Next, you need to talk to these real estate agents about how they plan on marketing your home and getting it out to potential buyers in the area. This process is one that is often the hardest for the average person to understand because marketing can be such a strange and unusual situation. However, most realtors fully understand how to make your home appeal to others and will work hard to ensure that you are satisfied with the spread of your marketing.

For example, they will place your home in paper advertising, such as house listings and various types of newspapers, to ensure that the average person finds you. However, they will then reach out on multiple online platforms as a way of connecting with you and a more extensive base of potential buyers. The idea, here, is that they can reach people who would most likely miss your paper advertising and can expand the range of potential sale opportunities.

So make sure to talk about what methods your realtors plan on using for your home. Likely, they already have a myriad of plans made that will serve your needs and provide you with the high-quality marketing spread that you need. By working with these experts and asking them intelligent and thoughtful questions, you significantly improve your chances of selling your home or buying one that meets your specific needs.

Talk About Your Other Needs

Lastly, it is essential to talk to any real estate agents that you hire about the other needs that you have with a home. You may think that these would be obvious, but that isn't always the case. A large number of people often have many, many other needs or wants with their home but aren't sure exactly how to express them. As a result, they often end up making mistakes that can cost them money or make their deals that much harder to actualize fully.

For example, you may want a home with a swimming pool but aren't sure exactly how to express that fact. Or perhaps you want a house that has many bedrooms so that you can have friends and family members over whenever you want. All of these factors are important to consider because they can influence not only the value of the home that you buy but also how likely you are to find a home that meets your specific needs.

So make sure that you sit down with your realtor and let them know precisely what you want. It may seem somewhat hard to be so open and straightforward with somebody whom you barely know. However, it would help if you thought of these professionals as something of a friend. Though you may not be strictly friends, you should at least be friendly, on good terms, and ready to work together to find the best house for your needs.

Finding an Agent That Suits You

The final takeaway that you should learn from this blog is that talking with the best real estate agents Iowa City, Iowa has to offer shouldn't be a significant challenge or something challenging. They are human, just like you, and want the same thing – success in your deal. Remember that they only get paid if you do and need you to succeed in your agreement. So make sure that you contact us at Kathy Fobian to get the help that you need. Our professionals will work with you to ensure that you are fully satisfied.

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